Supportive Parenting ******************** **Summary** Supportive parenting describes a style of childrearing based on warmth, love, constructive communication, and a generally positive way of interacting in the parent-child relationship. The scale has been used in the SOEP youth questionnaires since 2001. **Theoretical Background** Parenting is not understood here as a series of techniques and abilities, but as a special form of relationship between parents and children. The concept is based on the idea that efforts by parents to create a supportive, wholesome environment have a positive impact on the cognitive and social development of the children. A supportive parenting style is part of such a supportive environment (Simons et al., 1992) and can be described as follows: Supportive parents express interest in children’s activities, talk to or play games with them, provide help with everyday problems and schoolwork, express enthusiasm and praise over accomplishments, and show affection and love (Amato, 1990). **Scale Development** The scale is based on the Supportive Parenting Scale (SPS) of Simons et al. (1992), and this version was translated into German by Schwarz et al. (1997). **References** *Amato, Paul R. 1990. Dimensions of the family environment as perceived by children: A multidimensional scaling analysis. Journal of marriage and family, 52, 613_620.* *Schwarz, B., Walper, S., Gödde, M., & Jurasic, S. (1997). Dokumentation der Erhebungsinstrumente der 1. Hauptbefragung. Berichte aus der Arbeitsgruppe “Familienentwicklung nach der Trennung.” University of Munich: Unpublished manuscript.* *Simons, R. L., Lorenz, F. O., Conger, R. D., & Wu, C.-I. (1992). Support from spouse as mediator and moderator of the disruptive influence of economic strain on parenting. Child Development, 63, 1282-1301.* **Items** How often do the following situations occur with your mother and father? How often... (Wie häufig treten in Ihrer Beziehung zu Ihren Eltern die folgenden Situationen auf? Wie häufig kommt es vor...): 1. Do your parents talk to you about things you do or experience (dass Ihre Eltern mit Ihnen über Dinge sprechen, die Sie tun oder erlebt haben)? 2. Do your parents bring up things that bother or worry you (dass Ihre Eltern Dinge ansprechen, die Sie ärgern oder belasten)? 3. Do your parents ask you for your opinion before they decide something that affects you (dass Ihre Eltern nach Ihrer Meinung fragen, bevor sie etwas entscheiden, das Sie betrifft)? 4. Do your parents express their opinion when you do something that they like or approve of (dass, wenn Sie etwas tun, was Ihre Eltern gut finden, Ihre Eltern Ihnen auch zeigen, dass sie sich darüber freuen)? 5. Are you and your parents able to find a solution together to problems you have with each other (dass, wenn Sie und Ihre Eltern ein Problem miteinander haben, Sie dann gemeinsam eine Lösung finden können)? 6. Do your parents give you the impression that they really trust you (dass ihre Eltern Ihnen das Gefühl geben, dass sie Ihnen wirklich vertrauen)? 7. Do your parents ask for your opinion before they make decisions on family matters or issues (dass Ihre Eltern nach Ihrer Meinung fragen, bevor sie über Familienangelegenheiten entscheiden)? 8. Do your parents give you an explanation for their decisions (dass Ihre Eltern Ihnen gegenüber Entscheidungen begründen)? 9. Do your parents show you that they really love you (dass Ihre Eltern Ihnen zeigen, dass sie Sie wirklich lieben)? Scale: 1 (Very often / Sehr häufig ) to 5 (Never / Nie) **Items and Scale Statistics** .. csv-table:: :file: csv/27_supportiveparenting.csv :header-rows: 1 :class: longtable :widths: 2 2 2 1 1 2 1